What's the best cross-town cycling route in Charlottesville?

The current US Bicycle Route 76 and TransAmerica routes as they pass through Charlottesville are shown in the map below. Everyone would love to see "Bike 76" signs (right) put up along US Bicycle Route 76, just as they mark the route in Albemarle and the rest of VA, but having the two different routes here is confusing. The two routes are identical through most of the rest of Virginia. The ideal outcome for Charlottesville is for the two routes to merge into the single best (and possibly different) route, and to get that signed.
As local cyclists who know these roads best, ACCT and Charlottesville Parks and Rec would like to compile your route suggestions into a recommendation to VDOT and the national agencies who oversee these routes. They too are interested in seeing the two routes reconciled into one. There are several layers of process to go through, but we may be able to get changes approved and the signs up in time for summer cycling season. What do you think is the best bicycle route to cross Charlottesville east-west (it can be one of the existing routes or an entirely new one)?

Post your comments here or send them to me at vince@transportationchoice.org. We'll have a public meeting to discuss them next Tuesday, February 10th at 430PM at the City Hall Annex, Parks & Rec Conference Room.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions (295-6554).

Let's make Charlottesville a great place for cross-country cycling tourists!

For more information on the history and future of US Bicycle Route 76, the TransAmerica, and US Bicycle Routes in general, visit the Adventure Cycling Association. A whole system of US Bicycle Routes is emerging! A recent post by the US Bicycle Routes Coordinator is especially helpful. Also, the Virginia Bicycling Federation is a great resource and steward of Virginia's bicycling routes. Check out the Cross-State Ride coming up in May!


Unknown said...

the entire route can be viewed in google earth by loading the .gpx file found here:


Anonymous said...

Prefer Monticello Rd. alignment through Belmont, garrett, water & south street alignments (would be nice to work in a downtown mall crossing though).
I like the jog around Mad Bowl, but not sure that should be the official route. Maybe we should be promoting one "route" with attractions signs to mark selected side trips.